I do a lot of thinking and today I can't help but think of the fall I had eight months ago. If the accident would have happened to me ten years ago, I know it would have been a lot more devastating to me. I was in a different place in my life and honestly, I don't think I would have been able to handle it very well at all. The last seven years have been the best years of my life and those years include the past eight months. Those months have been filled with many challenges, tough challenges, but I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world. That's right! If I could go back and do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing. God has shown me His love in so many ways. Through prayers, cards and emails from friends and strangers, to monetary donations as well as a wheelchair accessible van given to us by our church and the precious time of friends and people I don't even know spent at our house, helping to make it more accessible for me. For those of you who know me, I am not the most outgoing person. I have a small circle of friends...good friends. People I love and who love me. It was a most humbling experience when I felt the outpouring of support from people I had never even met and the dedication of my friends and family who were there for me. I remember lying in the hospital bed and thinking these people care about me? Really?? Me??? It was very odd to be given so much attention. I felt as if I had been thrust into the spotlight and I'm a person who will avoid attention at all cost. But then, it provided comfort (and still does). I saw people in rehab that were alone in their struggle and I never saw them with a single visitor. I felt as though I didn't deserve the support I had but I was so THANKFUL for it. I knew it was God carrying me at a time when I needed it most and it has most definitely strengthened my faith. I'm thankful for a loving God and the peace and comfort He provides. I'm thankful for the wonderful people I have met along this journey who have touched my life and it thrills me to know I will meet up with them again some day.

1 comment:
I know the look on your face in the first pic very well. What a great shot! And I love the feet one too. (I still those shoes are sooo cute!)
Much much love to you!!! You are truly very loved!
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