I thought it'd be fun to share some of my pictures of the basement of Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. For any newcomers, I spent a total 9 weeks at Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation after I broke my back this last spring. The hospital and rehab institute are across the street from each other and are connected by a subterranean tunnel. The cafeteria is in the hospital so at least once a weekend, Chris and I would take the tunnel from BIR to BUMC and walk through the old and somewhat creepy halls of the hospitals basement to grab a tasty bite to eat.
These are great photos!
Hope you are feeling better!
Those photos are fabulous and really do give off a creepiness in those monotone colors. Great shots.
I'm so glad you are sharing about some of your experiences during this painful time. You are doing so well coping with it all. I know that you have had to rely on the Lord for those abilities but you just really shine with His Glory Cris and that is the choice YOU made.
Hope your pain is more manageable these days. I haven't heard an update from T in a little while.
These ARE awesome pictures. You know, Michele Phoenix made a coffee table book about her journey thru cancer and the photos she took. I like that idea.
I've read your whole blog. I love it! Please share more.
I want to know your Crixie story. If I've heard it I don't remember, sorry.
I love your photos! Have you considered doing that for pay? I have some info I can share with you, but you might already know it.
I really loved visiting you after so so so many years! It was nice getting to know your daughter, meeting your husband, and seeing your mom again. You are such a ray of sunshine. I want to get together more often, even if that means I drive/fly more than once every 7 years!
May I be invited to Abby's blog?
Love, Tina
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