Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Art on hold

The warm weather has put a stop to my artwork lately. It's been set aside as we're working to re-side the back of our house...something that has needed to be done for a couple of years.


Part way to after.

The warmer weather has also brought out some nature (besides the plant life) in our back yard.

This is a black rat snake that is apparently living in the rocks of our retaining wall.

A wolf spider with babies on its back. I found this one one morning when I let the dogs out. It was haging out on the side of the house next to the door to my studio.


Shan said...

EEEEK Crissy EEEK!! Oh my word, oh my word! This picture has sent me into a repetitive frenzy.

You have got some crazy stuff going on over there between the wildlife and the house fixing. I'm so glad you've got a blog to capture it all! :D

Crixie said...

LOL! I wasn't able to take a picture of them, but we did have a black widow spider on one end of the siding (it wasn't in good picture taking light) and a copper head fell out of the frame of the house on the other end and rolled off Chris's arm. We're still not sure where the copper head went.